sunnuntai 28. maaliskuuta 2010

Camping in Zarate, outside Buenos Aires

Now I've experienced camping in Argentina with
  • 6 really nice Couchsurfers from Buenos Aires, talking mostly in Spanish with each other but being nice to me
  • thousands of mosquitos! (You just can't avoid all the bites! I hope I didn't get dengue... The best repellent seemed to be ' PunkkiÄssä' that I bought in Finland.)
  • a river you're not allowed to swim in! (Dunno if it was because of the currents, boats, anglers...)
  • 'asado', a real Argentine barbeque with lots of meat

About packing for this trip:
Taking my hammock was a good choice, I slept in it at the campsite this weekend. And thank God, it has the mosquito net! I also used the windstopper jacket, because the mozzies were biting through my fleece. They even bit through jeans! For any trips to mosquito areas I truly recommend PunkkiÄssä (
I've already used my dancing shoes once. I ended up taking a private lesson on Friday, 20 EUR/hour. The teacher was good. Tomorrow I'm planning to go to a cheaper group lesson.

You can't avoid soccer, el futbol, in Argentina. Last week when I visited la Boca, there was a big match starting at the stadium and a lot of policemen on the streets. At a museum close to Recoleta graveyard, I went to see a photo exhibition about soccer.

2 kommenttia:

  1. insect heaven too! Last nigt had a cser talking about midges in Scotland. In the US we used to use this stuff called OFF. Dunno what the ingredients were but it worked.

  2. The other ones had OFF, but it didn't have enough DEET, so they were using my repellent... I hope that here in Bariloche it's already too cold for insects.
