tiistai 16. maaliskuuta 2010


14 pairs of shoes. I’ve just finished stuffing 14 pairs of shoes full of newspaper. Tomorrow I’ll carry them to our attic. 14 pairs - and that’s not even all of my shoes! I won’t even try to count how many T-shirts I have. This is the reason I nowadays avoid shopping. Packing, moving and storing everything is hell. Besides, I rather spend my money on travelling, not things. “Onni tulee eläen, ei ostaen.” (= Happiness comes by living, not buying.)

I’m glad I reserved a week for all these preparations. For two days now I’ve seen the sun only through the windows, as I’ve been so intensely doing my laundry (all the pullovers, scarfs, trousers that I normally don’t wash so often) and packing. Argentine tango and Spanish radio (www.cadenadial.com) have kept me on the right mood.

Last night I tested if my hammock equipped with a mosquito net would also work on a normal bed. I think it does, so no need to buy a mosquito net for the trip. Unfortunately I won’t have enough room in my backpack for my Swiss souvenir cow Enzian. Well, she did travel in my backpack through France, Germany, Austria... But no. She has to stay home.

The photo on the right shows my towels, sheets and some clothes vacuum packed for the attic. Let’s see if this way of storing works. Luckily my subtenant lets me leave a lot of things in my room. I should move permanently abroad, so I’d be compelled to get rid of everything that I don’t really need!

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