perjantai 26. maaliskuuta 2010

2nd day in Buenos Aires

Yesterday I visited the La Boca area (, accidentally found a tour group there and joined it, got a guidebook (South American Handbook 2009) and bought a local sim card. Not bad!

Some things I've noticed/heard about Buenos Aires:
  • There are lots of trees along the streets. It looks really nice and green.
  • It doesn't feel very dangerous, I'm not afraid here, and people have been very helpful.
  • There aren't many muslims (at least not wearing burkhas) or Africans here.
  • People don't separate their waste. Poor people, illegal immigrants from Paraguay, Bolivia and Peru go through all the waste they find and sell the cardboard etc.

2 kommenttia:

  1. Hi Tuula !
    Please, enjoy south-america for us !
    We'd love to visit Argentina someday !
    Our new life with Inès is just fantastic ! Then, we're going to wait a little she's growing to afford us to travel again...

    Best thought from France,

    Julien & Louise

  2. Salut Julien & Louise!

    Thanks, I will! You enjoy parenthood for me! :-) It's another type of 'journey' and definitely rewarding. On a tour to La Boca, there was an Australian couple with a little girl. It was great to see that you don't have to stop traveling and start to be afraid of everything when you have children.

    Un abrazo muy fuerte de Argentina,
