perjantai 16. huhtikuuta 2010

Two days in trucks

Two days of travelling in trucks (El Bolson, in the West - Trelew, in the East - Puerto San Julian, on the way to the South). Watching the impressive Patagonian emptiness. You can drive two hours without seeing a house or a village. Just the small, dry bushes on the plains. And maybe some sheep, guanacos or horses. Chatting with the truck drivers is the best possible language course! Hitchhiking here in the South doesn't seem different than in Europe. Truck drivers are not monsters, so don't worry about me. I trust them by having the courage to go in their trucks, they trust that I'm not a maniac. I appreciate them, they appreciate me.

Yesterday the road was cut near Caleta Olivia by some protesting people who've been made redundant. It was a bit difficult for a Finn to find out and understand what was going on. "How can a road be cut?! The trucks need to go, companies are waiting for the goods! And the people need to get home." Luckily we only had to wait for two hours. The truck drivers had mate (national drink here, like strong green tea) and empanadas (typical Argentinian pastries), the landscape to the sea was amazing and I've got time, so I didn't mind.
p.s. I just heard that today the road was closed for 9 hours!

Today I've only been resting and sleeping at my host Mariana's house in Puerto San Julian. I couln't even go to see the sea, because I had fever. Mariana just made some magic soup and I feel much better now.

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