maanantai 19. huhtikuuta 2010

First day in Chile

  • Don't expect a continental breakfast at a guesthouse, even if the room costs 2-3 times more than at a hostel. All you get is medialunas (Argentinian croissants), which I like, but not every morning...
  • The winter is coming. There was some frost this morning.
  • Today, the die cast (= 'arpa heitti', I tried to say, not sure if it's correct) me or the destiny brought me to Punta Arenas. The first car that picked me up on the road came here, so here I am, in Chilean Tierra del Fuego, trying to get used to a new currency. I did a lot of passive smoking on the way, otherwise I enjoyed the lift.
  • I hate artificial, plastic flowers; they are the ugliest thing in the world! Here the cemeteries are full of them. Today I saw them in the church also. Even at the althar.
  • I've got somehow used to the normal dinner times here, i.e. 10 or 11 pm. But today I was starving at 6 pm. Had my first fish plate in Chile (more will come for sure) - and some artisan beer. Mmmm...
  • I'll try to go to Torres del Paine national park this week. I heard that there's already some snow! Now I miss the waterproof windstopper pants that I left home. One or two huts should be open, I'm not able to sleep in a tent if it's cold and snowy outside... don't care even though the huts are expensive.
  • Time to go to bed... My bed at this hostel is supercomfortable! It makes me wanna stay here and rest instead of hiking in the cold weather...

2 kommenttia:

  1. I'm still wondering how much courage and energy you have to travel alone in South America! Amezing trip and well, yeaa, I admire you!! Would like to see more photos!:))
    Good luck!!

  2. Muovikukat, antikukkia: Vehreyden sijaan tulee mieleen tunkkaisuus. siitepölyn sijaan pöly. Onneksi niitä ei paljoa viljellä suomessa. Emme ole talvisin tottuneet kukkasiin, eikä ole ollut tarvetta ikuisesti kestävään kauneuteen. Kauneudesta suuri osa on väliaikaisuudessa ja hetkessä.

    Riippumatto on ihana. Siihen ei voi ihan täysin koteloitua murjottamaan, mutta nyt keväällä ei murjotutakaan enää. Voi vaan heilahdella.

    Ihanaa vappua! Meil on bileet!
