sunnuntai 28. elokuuta 2011

Montenegro - my favourite of the Balkan countries

Now I know what is my favourite country in the Balkans: Montenegro! It's full of amazingly beautiful landscapes; it's so picturesque, so scenic. Mountains and canyons, the turquoise sea - magnificent scenery everywhere. Enjoy the following photos!

Sveti Stefan, an islet connected to the shore by a narrow isthmus and crammed full of terracotta-roofed dwellings, used to house a simple fishing community until it was turned into a luxury hotel. From the 1960s to the 1980s it was a big hit with the rich and famous. It is a beautiful place, but accommodation - even in the township onshore - is expensive, so I can't really recommend it to backpackers on a low budget. I enjoyed my swim around the island and ended up spending the night on a sun chair of a hotel for free.

My next stop was the stunning bay of Kotor surrounded by steep limestone mountains. I first visited the old town of Kotor (Unesco World Heritage listed) and then pedaled around the bay with a bicycle I rented from my hostel.

I decided to skip the capital, Podgorica, and went straight to Biogradska Gora National Park (easily accessible by hitchhiking!), where I rented a cabin for a night and strolled around the lake in one of Europe's last few remaining primeval forests.

My last stop in Montenegro was Durmitor National Park where I did a leisurely walk around the Black Lake and a strenuous 12-hour hike to the highest peak in the park, Bobotov Kuk, 2523 m. (What made the hike so hard was that I took a wrong path at the beginning and had to take some difficult and scary shortcuts to reach my destination.)

p.s. I'm already back home. I just haven't had time to make this update earlier...

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