perjantai 26. heinäkuuta 2013

Hiking and biking in Anchorage

After Asser had left, I stayed in Anchorage, waiting for the next weekend, when my friend Sage was going to have three days off from work and we had decided to go somewhere together.
Above: Typical pedestrian in Anchorage?
On Monday, I borrowed a bicycle and did the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail. I saw six moose along the way!!
On Tuesday, I hiked to Williwaw Lakes:
...and the Ballpark:
Yesterday, I did a day hike to Rabbit Lakes:
Sometimes, when you couchsurf, you get to stay at such beautiful and cozy homes as this (photo below). I have very much enjoyed my stay here, being hosted by an easy-going, sociable and active guy who seems to have visitors all the time. There are friends coming and going... Nice people & good practice for my English!

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