I'm in love with Bariloche! No, it's not a hot latino guy with brown eyes and dark, curly hair. It's a town situated on the shore of lake Nahuel Huapi. The sunsets at the lake are amazing, there's lots of hiking trails in the national park Nahuel Huapi (
http://www.nahuelhuapi.gov.ar/) and there's chocolate and ice cream shops around every corner.
But tomorrow it's time to move on... further south - I hope I won't freeze there, today it was quite cold here. It was a good decision to take the winter jacket.
I've done a one-day hike and 2 overnight hikes, spending the nights at mountain huts. Now it's late and I need to go to sleep, so I let the photos speak for me. Besides, I wouldn't find the words to describe the landscapes and experiences, especially at the 'Refugio Otto Meiling'.
On my first hike I saw a panorama view to lake Nahuel Huapi:

The second hike was to a mountain hut called Otto Meiling (small house on the mountain in the photo). What an amazing place with gorgeous views! "When you leave a place that you like, part of your soul dies." Leaving this place... I think I left part of my soul there.

At the hut I met a French guy who found the car salesman in him and persuaded me to join an excursion to the nearby glacier. Amazing experience, I'm forever grateful to him! (BTW, Our guide, who took us ice-climbing, had a T-shirt of Amorphis and had been to their gig in Turku!) "The Condor Team" = me, Nirvani from USA, Tony from New Zealand and the Condor Leader, Jérôme from France:

After Otto Meiling, I went to another hut in the mountains. Nothing compares to the landscapes I saw and the experiences I had at Otto Meiling, but I still had a nice weekend at Refugio Frey. It was snowing in the evening, so in the morning the ground was white: