tiistai 25. kesäkuuta 2013

Welcome to the USA - You're suspicious!

What a "friendly" reception I had when I arrived in Anchorage, Alaska! At passport control, I was taken to another room where the officials first made me sit and wait, then asked me some questions, and finally searched my backpack. How suspicious is it to come for a two-month backpacking trip without clear plans?! And, in your passport, to have all those visas to and stamps from many different countries! And not have a permanent job back home! I guess next time when I go traveling, I should print out my account statement... I understood they were worried that I would work here without a work permit. But I am only planning to do some voluntary work, to work for my room and board in order to keep my travel costs low. The customs officer confirmed that such an exchange deal is fine as long as I do not get paid.
Anyway, all the other people here have been really nice to me. I hosted Sage, an Anchorageite (=someone from Anchorage), for a few days during her bicycle trip to Europe last year. Now she was jumping for joy knowing that I was coming to Alaska - and she bought a car for my use while I am here! Unbelievable! What an amazing friend I have! Here is "my" new car:
Below is a street view from Anchorage. Tomorrow I get to see what lies behind those mountains surrounding the city, as I go on a camping trip to the Talkeetna River with some CouchSurfers.